Fractional Shares

Craft your dream portfolio
starting with Just $5.
Stock pie chart

Hand-pick Stocks or ETFs and invest your preferred amount

Investing in high-priced stocks? Consider fractional shares. For as little as $5, you can own a portion of a stock. For example, investing $200 can give you 0.2 (20%) of a $1,000 share. This approach offers accessible investment opportunities through these fractional stock slices.

Why trade fractional shares with Firstrade?

Buy a fractional share for as little as $5

Pick Your StockPick Your $ AmountShare PriceNumber of Shares
Any trading symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations. Share prices as of March 15, 2024.
Apple fractional shares trade on iOS

Always In Touch, Wherever You Go

Trade stocks, options, and ETFs with Firstrade’s app. Start investing with fractional shares from just $5, and enjoy live quotes and extended trading hours.

  • Trade fractional shares with flexibility: choose to purchase by dollar amount or share, with a $5 minimum value required.
  • Zero commissions on all US Stocks and ETFs, along with no account fees or minimums to open a retail brokerage account.
  • Investing made easier with fractional shares. Own a piece of your favorite companies including stocks like Nvidia, Meta Platforms, Apple, Google and Microsoft.
  • Monitor your investments and watchlists through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

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